(Mango Dong-Zao cv.)
Winter Delight TM is one of several newer varieties imported from northern China by Jim Gilbert in Oregon. Large, egg-shaped fruit is crisp and sweet. As the name implies, it is especially delightful as dried fruit for out-of-season treats. Fittingly enough, the compact tree is also quite winter hardy.
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In most cases, we recommend planting bareroot fruit trees at their permanent site as soon as you get them. However, the trees in this section of the catalogue (Pawpaws, Persimmons and Jujubes) will often benefit from spending a few more years in a pot. Since these species do not take as well to bareroot handling, we receive them as very small trees in pots. We suggest you repot them in a 2 or 3 gallon container and grow them for several seasons. Pawpaws in particular, will appreciate this, as the tender young trees will prosper much more if you can keep them out of direct sunlight. This way you also have the option of overwintering them in your garage until they are bigger and stronger.
See Orchard Supplies for 3 gallon Root Trapper® Containers.
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