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Home » Shop » Trees » Evergreens » Stone Pine : SWISS 50cm (20") 7 gallon pot PICK UP ONLY

Stone Pine : SWISS 50cm (20") 7 gallon pot PICK UP ONLY


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(Pinus cembra)
The Swiss stone pine is an extremely hardy, slow growing evergreen with soft, 5-needled, blue-green foliage. As a young tree it has a narrow, pyramidal shape, eventually becoming 12m (40') or more in height with a broad rounded crown. If drainage is adequate it can thrive in fairly heavy clay. Besides being an attractive landscaping tree, it produces one of the largest edible pine nuts. Although the cones take 3 years to mature, new ones are forming every year, so you can expect a continuous crop after they begin bearing.


Product Overview
Evergreens The highly adaptable, hardy and resilient cedar is so common we tend to take it for granted. Perhaps it would command more respect if referred to by the proper name of 'Arborvitae', which means 'tree of life'. Traditionally arborvitae was considered purifying and used by Native Americans for colds, fever, cough, headache, skin disorders, swollen extremities, and rheumatic problems. The powdered foliage can be used as an insect repellant. Aside from the regular cedar (arborvitae) that seems able to thrive anywhere from swampy areas to dry, rocky sites, the Thuja occidentalis family includes all sorts of varieties with different shapes and sizes, developed in the landscaping industry. One of the most popular applications is for hedging. Potted


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