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Home » Shop » Shrubs and Plants » Grape » Seedless » Seedless Grape: VANESSA 1 year old vine

Seedless Grape: VANESSA 1 year old vine


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Long clusters of deep red mid-sized berries have crisp and firm, yet tender, melting flesh with a gratifying fruity flavour. If you love the red seedless type from California, found in grocery stores everywhere, Vanessa is your best bet to match the experience! A top notch table grape, it is perfect for pies, or adding to fruit cocktail salads. The vines are vigorous, moderately hardy and moderately productive.


Product Overview
Seedless Grapes (Vitis) Seedless grapes are one of the most enjoyable fruits a homeowner can grow and in most cases are more profitable on a commercial scale than wine grapes. Although we select the very hardiest seedless varieties, they are (with the possible exception of Somerset and maybe Trollhaugen) somewhat less winter hardy than the old familiar Concord. They are of course also more rewarding to grow. Planting in an area protected from severe winter blasts is helpful. Grapes love the summer sun and will respond to all the protection and southern exposure you can provide. Bareroot plants


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Growing Tips

Grapes, Gooseberries Growing Tip

Try Lee Reich's simple recipe for powdery mildew control in grapes or gooseberries. Spray plants with the following:
4 litres (1 gallon) of water
1 tablespoon sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
1 tablespoon canola oil
Repeated applications may be needed, especially in rainy weather.
