212 PAGES | 7.5" x 9" Soft Cover
If you have visions of taking your pawpaw obsession to the next level, here is the resource you've been looking for. You can judge this book by it's cover as it enumerates it's contents right up front. Directly under 'Pawpaws' it reads as follows: Botany • History • Complete Organic Growing Guidelines • Organic Pest and Disease Control • Harvesting • Processing • Marketing • Over 150 Cultivars Described • Delicious Pawpaw Recipes and Much More. Blake Cothron owns and operates Peaceful Heritage - a certified organic research farm, orchard and edible plant nursery in Kentucky. He has taken his extensive knowledge and over 20 years of hands-on experience, turning it into a book which is fun and easy-to-read, despite being detailed, comprehensive and in-depth.
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