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Home » Shop » Trees » Paw Paw » Pawpaw : POTOMAC® 90-150cm (3-5') 3 gallon pot 
Photo courtesy of Northwoods Nursery

Pawpaw : POTOMAC® 90-150cm (3-5') 3 gallon pot 


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Potomac® is one of seven, superior, patented varieties developed by legendary pawpaw breeder Neal Peterson. It produces the largest fruit of any pawpaw, with documented cases of whoppers tipping the scales at over 2 pounds! With such a girth, some fruit splitting can occur, if you get heavy rains right at harvest time. The tree itself is less spreading than most, with a more compact, columnar form.


Product Overview
Pawpaws (Asimina triloba) Long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue, North American Indians were enjoying the vanilla custard flavoured flesh of this northern banana. Large, lush, drooping leaves give the pawpaw a tropical appearance. A slow growing, pyramidal shaped tree, it can reach anywhere from 10-25' at maturity. It has virtually no insect or disease problems and requires very little pruning. This exotic and fascinating native tree is in high demand. Grafted Paw Paws are more consistent and productive than seedlings and will begin bearing fruit sooner. Although they are less winter hardy than seedling trees, these selected varieties are worth trying in protected areas. Plant two different varieties for pollination or plant one seedling and one grafted tree.  


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Bare Root Tree Growing Zone
Bare Root Tree Harvest

Growing Tips

Growing Tip

It is common knowledge that blueberries require acidic (low pH) soil. In many areas of Canada the soil is naturally not acidic enough (pH too high). Here we recommend our popular Blueberry Booster (see page 59). A number of other trees also prefer more acidic soil and will benefit from annual applications of Blueberry Booster. These include Chestnuts, Pawpaws and Persimmons.
Suggested Rate:

  • When planting trees – 250g (1 cup) top dressed and lightly
    raked in before soaking with water.
  • For established trees – 500g (2 cups) per 25mm (1") of tree
    trunk diameter broadcast under tree in early spring.
    In addition, another way to accommodate these 'special needs'
    plants is to add vinegar or citric acid to their irrigation water.
    (2.5 litres common white vinegar to a 20 litre bucket of water).

Pawpaws, Persimmons, Jujubes Growing Tip

In most cases, we recommend planting bareroot fruit trees at their permanent site as soon as you get them. However, the trees in this section of the catalogue (Pawpaws, Persimmons and Jujubes) will often benefit from spending a few more years in a pot. Since these species do not take as well to bareroot handling, we receive them as very small trees in pots. We suggest you repot them in a 2 or 3 gallon container and grow them for several seasons. Pawpaws in particular, will appreciate this, as the tender young trees will prosper much more if you can keep them out of direct sunlight. This way you also have the option of overwintering them in your garage until they are bigger and stronger.
See Orchard Supplies for 3 gallon Root Trapper® Containers.
