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Home » Shop » Trees » Nut » Walnut » Nut : HEARTNUT 60-100cm   (24-36")  On Own Root
Photo courtesy of Grimo Nut Nursery

Nut : HEARTNUT 60-100cm   (24-36")  On Own Root


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A variety of the Japanese walnut, these heart-shaped nuts open like a locket when tapped on its side easily releasing a kernel that is mild tasting, buttery and slightly sweet, unlike typical walnuts that can have a bitter taste. With its huge fern-like leaves, pendulous catkins and hanging clusters of nuts, the Heartnut tree makes a stunning ornamental. A broad round top tree that can easily grow to be as wide as it is tall, making it an excellent shade tree if you have the space. Mature seedling heartnuts can be over 15m (50') wide and tall, yielding over 90kg (200 lbs) of nuts per tree! We offer 2 types of heartnuts: grafted (genetically identical) and seedlings.

(Juglans ailantifolia var. cordiformis)
Heartnut seedlings are more hardy than grafted varieties. However, they do take longer to begin producing- usually 4-7 years. Nut quality will vary from tree to tree and in most cases they do not crack as easily. With a bit of luck, you could also end up having a seedling tree that is as good or better as any grafted variety! Heartnuts have possibly the most potential of any nut tree in Canada. Mature height 10-16m (30-55')


Product Overview
Juglans Family (Walnuts) The Black Walnut Neighbourhood As some of you already know, many plants simply do not grow well when planted close to a walnut tree. The roots of both the black and English walnut as well as the butternut give off a toxic substance known as juglone which eliminates their competition. It will kill most evergreens, as well as some fruit trees and a number of vegetables. Most grasses seem not to mind, and some plants actually seem to thrive. The following is a short list of some of the best neighbors for a walnut tree: Black raspberries, Grapes, Rugosa roses, High bush cranberries, Black locust, Goumi, Persimmons, Paw paws, Mulberries, Currants, Elderberries, Sweet corn, Beans & Onions. Some of the poorest choices include: Apples, Pears, Blackberries, Tomatoes & Alfalfa. Bareroot trees


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