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Home » Shop » Trees » Nut » Walnut » Nut : BLACK WALNUT 45-60cm (18-24") On Own Root

Nut : BLACK WALNUT 45-60cm (18-24") On Own Root


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(Juglans nigra)
This majestic and valuable timber thrives in deep, well drained fertile soil. In fact, when the first Mennonite settlers came to Ontario in the early 1800s, it is said that they watched for walnut trees as a reliable indicator of where the best land could be cleared for farming. Nowadays walnut is probably the most widely used tree in alley-cropping systems in North America providing shade, nuts, firewood and eventually timber. Black walnut is valued for its high quality wood used in fine furniture, gun stocks and cabinet making. The nuts will add their distinctive flavour to ice cream and desserts, or can be used in baking. Even the crushed nut shells have a multitude of uses with some large nut processing plants finding it difficult to satisfy the demand. Mature height 20-30m (65-100').


Product Overview
Juglans Family (Walnuts) The Black Walnut Neighbourhood As some of you already know, many plants simply do not grow well when planted close to a walnut tree. The roots of both the black and English walnut as well as the butternut give off a toxic substance known as juglone which eliminates their competition. It will kill most evergreens, as well as some fruit trees and a number of vegetables. Most grasses seem not to mind, and some plants actually seem to thrive. The following is a short list of some of the best neighbors for a walnut tree: Black raspberries, Grapes, Rugosa roses, High bush cranberries, Black locust, Goumi, Persimmons, Paw paws, Mulberries, Currants, Elderberries, Sweet corn, Beans & Onions. Some of the poorest choices include: Apples, Pears, Blackberries, Tomatoes & Alfalfa. Bareroot trees


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