288 PAGES | 8.25" X 10.25" Hard Cover
We consider this brand new book by a fellow Canadian nurseryman, the ultimate in apple growing wisdom. It features 97 different varieties (or more correctly - cultivars) that thrive in Zone 4 or colder. 'Features' in this case, means a complete description, including it's history and a luscious photo, plus a comprehensive breakdown of all the pertinent points you might wonder about, including both bloom and ripening times, storage life, disease resistance and more. There are also chapters devoted to planning your orchard, dealing with all the various pests and diseases you might encounter and doing so in non-chemical ways. The chapter on grafting and budding is, on it's own, worth the price of the entire book. A tip of the hat to Bob Osborne for producing an elegant, educational, and entertaining reference guide that is equally at home on a coffee table or a grafting bench.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then over 200 exquisite, full-colour photographs should add voluminous value.
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