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Home » Shop » Shrubs and Plants » Roses » Groundcover Rose : APRICOT DRIFT 2 year, #1 grade Grafted
Photo courtesy of Bakker Nursery

Groundcover Rose : APRICOT DRIFT 2 year, #1 grade Grafted


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Drift® roses are a cross between full-size groundcover roses and miniatures. From the former they inherit disease resistance, toughness and overall winter hardiness, while the miniature parentage bequeathed their well-managed size and repeat blooming nature. With their compact, spreading form, they are tailored for borders, around trees, or even containers. Drift® roses have captured the fancy of many a casual gardener. No pruning is required and diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot are rarely, if ever, an issue. Maintenance-free beauty at it's best!

(Rosa Meimirrote PP23,354)
'Apricot' really doesn't do justice to the unique colour shades of this rose but it is a good start. A vibrant avalanche of petite blooms provides graceful groundcover flair with a constant display of bounteous beauty. In the process Apricot Drift® affirms the tagline - 'Groundcover Roses Made Easy™'. Mature size is 45cm (18') tall and up to 75cm (30') wide.

| ZONE 4 |

Product Overview
For thousands of years roses have held a special attraction for mankind. Regarded as the ultimate icon of love, grace, beauty, and elegance, they continue to be the subject of art and poetry throughout the world. Here at Whiffletree we eventually succumbed to the temptation to lengthen our rose lineup. Now that we’ve fully fallen under the spell of this beguiling flower, you can expect this section to expand. In keeping with the rest of our catalogue, we intend to retain a strong emphasis on natural disease resistance. Bareroot plants


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