The first of Elmer Swenson’s varieties to be introduced by the University of Minnesota and considered by some to be his very best. The unique, fruity flavour of this firm, meaty grape is like no other. In fact, it surpasses many seedless varieties in flavour and quality, making it an excellent choice where extra hardiness is required. Although it is generally red, it can be bluish in climates with cool nights, but with its high sugar content it can even be sweet while it is green. One of the best grapes for storage, it is ideal for fresh eating and makes a respectable white wine.
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Try Lee Reich's simple recipe for powdery mildew control in grapes or gooseberries. Spray plants with the following:
4 litres (1 gallon) of water
1 tablespoon sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
1 tablespoon canola oil
Repeated applications may be needed, especially in rainy weather.
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