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Home » Shop » Shrubs and Plants » Gooseberry » Gooseberry : SHEFFORD 1 year old plant

Gooseberry : SHEFFORD 1 year old plant


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The background of this extremely rare variety seems to be shrouded in mystery. While the name itself sounds distinctly British, our American supplier believes it may actually have a Canadian origin. So do let us know if you have had any close encounters of the Shefford kind. It is however verified to be virtually thorn-free and produces large, sweet, golden-yellow berries. You take it from there.


Product Overview
Gooseberries (Ribes uva-crispa) Canadians are starting to realize what an easy landscaping plant the gooseberry is. In Europe you will find several bushes tucked into almost every backyard garden or used as an ornamental planting alongside the house. Gooseberries prefer morning sun, partial shade in the afternoon and good air circulation. As most varieties will tolerate brutally cold winters, it is especially important to plant in shade in warmer regions. Mulch heavily to keep the roots cool and moist. These hardy, compact shrubs have arching branches and typically mature at approximately 1-2 m (4') high and wide. The berries make incredible pies and are great for fresh eating as well as for preserves and drying. Gooseberries ripen mid-summer. Bareroot plants


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Growing Tips

Currant, Gooseberry Growing Tip

Are the leaves disappearing on your currant or gooseberry bush in early summer? Most likely the currant sawfly larvae are at work. The British have a simple prevention that works surprisingly well. Spread a thin layer of wood ashes around the base of the shrub. Some local gardeners use straw and claim it works better yet.

Grapes, Gooseberries Growing Tip

Try Lee Reich's simple recipe for powdery mildew control in grapes or gooseberries. Spray plants with the following:
4 litres (1 gallon) of water
1 tablespoon sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
1 tablespoon canola oil
Repeated applications may be needed, especially in rainy weather.
