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Home » Shop » Shrubs and Plants » Elderberry » Elderberry : KORSOR 2 year old plant

Elderberry : KORSOR 2 year old plant


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(Sambucus nigra) This top producing, commercial variety from Denmark is recognized for exceptional nutraceutical (medicinal) qualities and immune boosting properties. Masses of juicy bluish black berries are processed for juice and wine as well as baking and preserves. At 2.5-3m (8-10') tall Korsor is one of the most compact European elders and also makes a fine ornamental shrub.
Potted Plant



Product Overview
Elderberries (Sambucus species) Here is a plant that is finally getting the attention it deserves, It was designated as ‘Herb of the Year’ for 2013, but has been used medicinally for hundreds of years! Because this single plant has so many uses, it has been referred to by herbalists as ‘Nature’s Medicine Chest’ and the ‘Countryman’s Apothecary’. Numerous new scientific studies are now verifying the benefits that previous generations have observed. Not only is elderberry juice extremely high in antioxidants (14,500 on the ORAC scale, compared with blackberries at 5347 or sweet cherries at 3365) the particular antioxidants found in elderberries have a proven antiviral effect. If your space is limited, this is the one plant we don’t want you to be without! Fortunately it is also the easiest one to grow organically. Although the humble elderberry is generally not considered a fresh eating fruit, it has multiple medicinal uses (both the flowers and the fruit) as well as baking, preserving and processing.


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Growing Tips

Elderberries Growing Tip

S. canadensis (North American) elder plants grow fruit on new, first year's growth, as well as on older wood. Some commercial growers cut them down to the ground every fall for quick, easy pruning. This should not be done on S. nigra (European) varieties, including Marge, as these bear their fruit on the second year's growth of wood. However, all elders can also be pruned by just removing some of the oldest branches every year after the plants are mature.
