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Home » Shop » Shrubs and Plants » Roses » Easy Elegance® Shrub Rose : MUSIC BOX 2 year, #1 grade On Own Root

Easy Elegance® Shrub Rose : MUSIC BOX 2 year, #1 grade On Own Root


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The Easy Elegance® rose collection claims 'to deliver everything we love about roses - the colour and the beauty - without the fussy maintenance roses used to require'. Certainly a lofty goal, but veteran rose grower and author Peter Kukielski says in his experience he's found it to be true.

(Rosa 'BAIbox)
Within the Easy Elegance® lineup, several selections are specifically recognized as ones that thrive in cooler climates and Music Box is one of them. With spotless foliage and subtle charm, this classic creates harmony in any setting. Soft, creamy yellow centers surrounded by delicate, blush pink ruffles should put a song in the heart of the most grumpy gardener. Music Box boasts everblooming double blossoms so the melody continues till the first frost. Mature size is 1-1.5m (3-5') tall and 1m (3-4') wide.

| ZONE 4 |

Product Overview
For thousands of years roses have held a special attraction for mankind. Regarded as the ultimate icon of love, grace, beauty, and elegance, they continue to be the subject of art and poetry throughout the world. Here at Whiffletree we eventually succumbed to the temptation to lengthen our rose lineup. Now that we’ve fully fallen under the spell of this beguiling flower, you can expect this section to expand. In keeping with the rest of our catalogue, we intend to retain a strong emphasis on natural disease resistance. Bareroot plants


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