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Home » Shop » Shrubs and Plants » Currant » Currant : BEN SAREK 3 year old plant

Currant : BEN SAREK 3 year old plant


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A newer variety developed in Scotland, Ben Sarek bears consistent high yields of large berries that make excellent jams and jellies. This dense bush is more compact than most currants only reaching 80-100 cm (32-40") in height and width. It is also quite resistant to rust and very mildew and leaf spot resistant. Makes a very desirable landscaping shrub for rather shady areas.


Product Overview
Currants (Ribes) These shade tolerant bushes produce an abundance of nutrient packed berries that are especially high in vitamin C. When eaten fresh, black currants have a very pungent and distinctive flavour that is definitely an acquired taste but they make the most delicious jams. The red, pink, and white varieties are much milder tasting. Bareroot plant


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Growing Tips

Currant, Gooseberry Growing Tip

Are the leaves disappearing on your currant or gooseberry bush in early summer? Most likely the currant sawfly larvae are at work. The British have a simple prevention that works surprisingly well. Spread a thin layer of wood ashes around the base of the shrub. Some local gardeners use straw and claim it works better yet.
