Please consider that Bees are dormant when we ship them and if there is a long transit time, they may not survive. PLEASE think about this prior to purchasing.
Shipping only to Ontario and Quebec
- 10 Mason Bee cocoons
- 25 Leafcutter Bee cocoons
- 25 hand cut nesting reeds
- 1 bee house - The Bee & Bee Villa
Our all-in-one kits have all the supplies including bees to get pollinating in your yard from spring to summer. The custom designed bee house, the Bee & Bee Villa, is handcrafted right here in Ontario. It provides a nesting home for both Mason bees and Leafcutter Bees. A hidden loft for the Leafcutter gives protection until they are ready to emerge. The nesting tunnels consist of hand cut nesting reeds obtained from natural grass. Your bee house should be securely mounted on an outside structure wall that gets morning sun and is protected from the late afternoon heat.
Available to ship in spring until June 1st.
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