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Home » Shop » Trees » Chum » Chum : CONVOY Semi-Dwarf (Sapalta Seedling)

Chum : CONVOY Semi-Dwarf (Sapalta Seedling)


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Introduced in 1941 by Boughen Nurseries, one of the Prairie's most venerable nurseries for over 100 years, in the uncompromising climate of Valley River, MB. Convoy is a cross of Canada plum (Prunus nigra) and sandcherry (Prunus pumila var. besseyi). The round 3cm (1¼") fruit is bright, fire-engine red with very juicy, clingstone flesh. Mild, sweet flavour makes Convoy one of the better fresh eating chums. Pies, processing and canning are other practical possibilities. The growth pattern shows more plum influence than most chums with upright, almost columnar type growth, rather than low and spreading. Mature height is from 2.5-3.5m (8-11')


Product Overview
Chums These tough, resilient, shrubby trees derive much of their hardiness from the sandcherry (Prunus pumila var. besseyi) side of the family. Crossing sandcherry with native wild plums (Prunus americana) and in some cases with Japanese plums (Prunus salicina) beefed up the fruit with sweet flesh. The result was a fairly wide range of varieties known as cherry-plums or simply chums. Chums are very disease resistant, drought tolerant and precocious (start bearing at an early age). They make a fine ornamental too, especially in spring with arching branches covered in blossoms. While all chum fruits have astringent skin, we have selected varieties where the least of this trait comes through. 1.25-2m (4-6') bareroot trees


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