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Home » Shop » Collector's Corner » Apricot » Apricot : HUNZA Semi-Dwarf (Marianna 26-24) (Orchard Grade)

Apricot : HUNZA Semi-Dwarf (Marianna 26-24) (Orchard Grade)


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An 'orchard grade' is a tree that may be somewhat shorter, slightly crooked, or a bit scratched, or for some other reason is not a perfect front lawn specimen. These trees will work just as well in an orchard as a first or number one would, since they still produce the very same fruit.

This unique variety grows wild in the Hunza valley in northwest Pakistan. Small, sweet fruits with exquisite flavour have an edible kernel within the pit, which has been the primary source of oil for the Hunza people for many years. The longevity of these folks has attracted attention, since many live to be 100 or more. Among the contributing factors being credited for this are the aforementioned apricot kernels. If the Hunza want dried fruit, they simply leave the apricots hanging on the tree. The flesh reportedly has a deep, delicious toffee taste when cooked.


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