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Orchard Companion Plants

Orchard Companion Plants
The concept behind perennial companions is that it encourages natural processes that benefit the overall health and vitality of your fruit trees. It is essentially copying the forest’s natural state. A colorful assortment of different species all contributing to reduced pest and disease problems, increased soil fertility, and increased fruit production. Reserve a spot for these all-star plants around the perimeter of your fruit tree. Each one plays their own unique supporting role.


LADY'S MANTLE 1 gallon pot


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WILD BLUE INDIGO 1 gallon pot


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Comfrey : BOCKING 4™ 8cm (3¼") pot


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Cone Flower : POWWOW® WILD BERRY 1 gallon pot


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RED CREEPING THYME  10cm  (3½") pot


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Yarrow : SAUCY SEDUCTION 1 gallon pot


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