Elderberries (Sambucus species)
Here is a plant that is finally getting the attention it deserves, It was designated as ‘Herb of the Year’ for 2013, but has been used medicinally for hundreds of years! Because this single plant has so many uses, it has been referred to by herbalists as ‘Nature’s Medicine Chest’ and the ‘Countryman’s Apothecary’. Numerous new scientific studies are now verifying the benefits that previous generations have observed. Not only is elderberry juice extremely high in antioxidants (14,500 on the ORAC scale, compared with blackberries at 5347 or sweet cherries at 3365) the particular antioxidants found in elderberries have a proven antiviral effect. If your space is limited, this is the one plant we don’t want you to be without! Fortunately it is also the easiest one to grow organically.
Although the humble elderberry is generally not considered a fresh eating fruit, it has multiple medicinal uses (both the flowers and the fruit) as well as baking, preserving and processing.